I’m sure everyone’s thinking the same thing: phew! Now we can finally rest easy since we know the truth about why Juliet was out to ruin Serena. And it sure was a doozy! Stemming all the way back to years ago. If you’re out of the loop, sit back and let me fill you in!
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Blair, Chuck & Nate Confronting Juliet |
Serena was tucked away at the Ostroff Center in isolation. No visitors. No phone. Nothing. This is Serena's capital punishment after the Saint Sinner's Party. All she wanted was to get better. Unfortunately, this kept Team Blair and Dan on the outside. They were both surprised. Blair was S’s BFF! Dan was her who-knows-what! But even though Serena shut them out they were both still determined to get to the bottom of this Juliet business. So they turned to their most reliable source: Gossip Girl! Ask and you shall receive, kids. Blair and Dan emailed Gossip Girl for info on Juliet and she provided them with an address in Cornwall, Connecticut. There they could find out some more about the mysterious Ms. Sharp. So Blair and Dan hopped in Dan’s dad’s weird looking car and took off for CT. Road trip!
When Blair and Dan arrived at the address, they were taken aback. It was a mansion with a ton of kids partying in it. This obviously was the wrong place. But Blair told Dan not to fear, this was a clue. They needed to find out exactly why Gossip Girl would give them this address because seriously she would never lead two of her faves astray. And lo and behold, Blair and Dan found Damien Dalgaard at the party. Remember that guy? The one who Jenny lied about losing her virginity to and who also employed her as a drug mule. Yeah, him. Well, Damien did good for once and informed them that he’d sold Juliet the drugs she gave to Serena to make her overdose. Damien seemed to feel kind of bad about the whole thing so he offered to help Blair and Dan track down Juliet. In fact, he knew her home address since he’s been an acquaintance of hers ever since he was attending Knightley. Knightley? That sounds familiar. Oh, that’s right. It’s the boarding school Serena went to almost four years ago. And Juliet? Well she was never a student there. No, turns out, she’s a townie!
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Who Would Defend Serena's Honor? |
Sadly for Blair, Dan and Damien, Juliet saw the threesome in Cornwall and she quickly fled. Bummer! But since they didn’t know that, they went to her house in hopes of finding some stuff out. Juliet’s mom was there and she, well, she didn’t seem like some psycho stalker’s mom. She seemed kind of sweet. Weird. Blair invited herself and the boys in and Juliet’s mom offered them tea while they waited. How totally nice and not crazy. Refreshing coming from someone related to Juliet. Damien told Juliet’s mom that he went to The Knightley School and he knew Juliet from around town. Juliet’s mom then asked if he knew her son: Ben Donovan. And that’s when the puzzle pieces started to come together. Ben was Juliet’s half brother and he was once a teacher at the boarding school. Who then got fired because he was allegedly sleeping with a student. A student named Serena van der Woodsen. OMFG!
Ben Donovan & Serena At Knightley |
Damien told Blair and Dan how Serena had made a sudden change while they were at school together. In the beginning, she was a party girl who was constantly looking for fun. That's the old Serena we know. Then one day Serena started studying and taking an interest in school. Especially Mr. Donovan’s English class. While Damien had always wanted to think the best of Serena, he’d witnessed some pretty damning evidence to prove the contrary. He saw Serena and Ben at a bed and breakfast. Checking in. Scandalous!
With Team Blair and Dan hot on her tail, Juliet made a getaway to New York. She called her brother to tell him she was finishing this. Once and for all. Ben was worried. What else was Juliet going to do? But before he could talk Juliet out of whatever she was going to do, she hung up. Ben pleaded with the guards. He needed to stop Juliet! Luckily, he saw Nate who was there visiting his father. Ben told Nate who he was and that he should check on Serena. Make sure she was okay. Scary!!!
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Juliet Sharp- Satan In Heels |
Unfortunately, Juliet got to Serena first. And it didn’t look good for S. Serena still didn’t understand why Juliet hated her so much. Juliet was annoyed. Geez, Serena. It’s because you ruined her brother’s life! But S was confused. Who was Juliet’s brother? So Juliet filled her in. Her brother was Ben Donovan from Knightley! The teacher S lied and said she had an affair with even though they never so much as kissed! Once Serena signed an affidavit saying they slept together Ben’s life was over. Goodbye, freedom and trying to shape young people’s minds. Hello, plea deal, restrictions and trying not to drop the soap. Serena didn’t get it. She didn’t lie and she never signed anything!? But Juliet saw the affidavit and Serena’s signature was there. Hmm…If Serena didn’t sign it, who did?
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What's The Secret Lily? |
Are you ready to find out? It was Lily! OMG! So Serena and Juliet went to the van der Woodsens
Lily couldn’t believe Serena would do such a thing. And well, Serena couldn’t believe her mother would do such a thing like putting an innocent man in jail. Lily explained that when Serena wanted to come back to New York her grades at Knightley were terrible and all the good schools wouldn’t take her. So she tried to go to Knightley to speak with them. Perhaps there was something they could do. But while Lily was on campus she overheard some girls gossiping about Serena having an affair with a teacher. So Lily used that information to barter with them. Luckily for Serena, that helped her get into Constance. Unluckily for Ben, Knightley got the authorities involved and we all know what happened there. Serena was furious at her mom. But Lily said she did it all for her daughter. Besides, what Ben did was wrong. He took advantage. But Ben didn’t do anything! He was 100% innocent! Oops, guess Lily thought she was doing the right thing/believed her daughter would have an affair. Everyone was shocked by Lily’s actions. Especially Rufus. Who in turn told Chuck about some very secretive yet serious business matters: Lily was planning to sell Bass Industries behind his back. Chuck was stunned. It wasn’t Lily’s to sell. And there was no way he was going to let her do this. Looks like everyone’s mad at Lily.
Blair Set To Find Out The Truth |
All the while, Nate was dealing with his own family drama. Turns out, his father was just cozying up to his mother because he was up for parole. Or so it seemed when Nate learned that his dad was secretly renting his own place in upstate New York. Classic Captain. Poor Anne. Nate hated breaking the bad news to his mother but when he went to confront his dad, the Captain told him what he was actually doing. The house in Rhinebeck was where he and Nate’s mother had vacationed when they were first married. The Captain only wanted to rent it so that he and his wife could escape there once he was out of jail. For some, you know, alone time, I guess (ew parents doing that stuff. Gross, gross, gross). Oh crap. Nate really messed things up between his parents. But even after explaining everything, Nate’s mom still didn’t want anything to do with his dad anymore. Her standing in society was more important than her standing next to her husband. So the Captain was headed for a halfway house. But then Nate had an idea. Perhaps his dad could come live at The Empire? The Captain was thrilled. That sounded amazing. Excellent. Awwww. Father-son bonding FTW!
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Where Is The Real Chuck Bass Off To? |
As the holidays were approaching, everyone started making their plans. Chuck was going to New Zealand for what seemed like pleasure. Though Blair knew the real reason why he was heading down under. New Zealand was a bit close to Australia. Where Jack Bass was. This wasn’t a good idea. Chuck couldn’t trust Jack to help him save Bass Industries! But Chuck told her a shared enemy makes for unlikely friends. Uh oh.
Serena was going to spend her holidays road tripping upstate to find the judge whose name was on the affidavit that put Ben in jail. Surely, there was something S could do to get Ben out. Serena invited Dan to join her. It’d be fun. The two of them in a car for however long it took to drive upstate. Kinda romantic, actually. But Dan told her he shouldn’t. He needed some time for himself and this was something Serena needed to do on her own. Where does that leave Derena??? Need to know…
Nate was going to be with his grandfather. Eric in Gstaad with Elliot. This left Blair and Dan. They seemed to be the only ones in the city for the holidays. And unfortunately both had the same plans to see the same French documentary. Ugh. They promised one another if they saw each other at the movie they’d definitely not sit anywhere near one another. Thank God for that.
But before Serena headed upstate, she made a pit stop. At the Staten Island jail where Ben was locked up! Whaaaat? Serena told Ben she had to see him. OMFG! What is she doing there??
Wow. Wow. Wow. So much went down that I’m gonna need a little break. Good thing the holidays are coming up and I can take a breather for a little bit. But don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. And Happy New Year. I see a lot happening in 2011. I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it.
Gossip Girl
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