Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Season 4 Throws A Loop On Chair

Despite Chuck and Blair's breakup on episode 9: The Witches of Bushwick, many fans remain hopeful that the Gossip Girl couple will, as Mr. Bass predicted, find their way back to each other in the end.

I have always thought that Chuck and Blair make an awesome couple but it seems that their short but sorely missed love affair in Season 3 is a thing of the past. Chuck's womanizing days were over ever since he and Blair became a couple and Blair has somewhat tamed down a bit from her devious ways (much to my disappointment. I've always loved Blair for being a bitch). But the turn of events (recounting the final episode of Season 3: Last Tango, Then Paris) signaled the end of their much talked about love affair.

Mean Little Jenny Humphrey
From Chuck sleeping with Jenny (I've come to really hate her for this), to the arrival of the super bitch Georgina Sparks, Gossip Girl has taken it's characters to a new direction we didn't expect to see.

From Paris to New York, Gossip Girl fans have waited to see the reunion of Chuck & Blair. Even with Eva on the side, I expected Blair to run straight to the arms of Chuck when she found out he was shot from refusing to give some bloody muggers the ring he has for Blair.

The Chuck & Blair reunion in Paris took my breath away. For me, this was one of the most romantic scenes ever on television. Forget Romeo & Juliet- Chuck & Blair are the modern-day Rhett Butler and Scarlet O' Hara!

Blair and Chuck Reunited In Paris

Blair: Just because you're poorly dressed doesn't mean you're not Chuck Bass.
Chuck: Why would I want to be him? 
Blair: You should have told me you were shot.
Chuck: I'm surprised you didn't shoot me yourself.
Blair: I have. Many times, in my dreams. The good ones.

Chuck:  I thought it would be easier if I disapear. Your world would be easier without me in it
Blair: You're right. But my world wouldn't be my world without you in it

Blair: I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than even you to destroy a Blair Waldorf

As the new episode: Gaslit unfolds, we will see a new girl in the arms.

Jessica Szohr (Vanessa Abrams)

Jessica Szohr (Vanessa Abrams) recently said in her blog that a new girl will be found in Chuck Bass's arms. "We have another guest star coming on, which is amazing,.She starts to date Chuck Bass, which is exciting because everyone wants Chuck and Blair together. This someone throws a little loop in their relationship, or throws everyone, actually."

Still, don't expect his new girlfriend to be welcomed with open arms.

Any theories about who Chuck will date, and what said "loop" is?

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