Monday, November 29, 2010

Tis' The Season For Starbucks Planner

December is finally here- and while most people are busy rushing to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones this coming holiday season, some are busy collecting sticker stamps- for a Starbucks Planner that is.

Starbucks 2011 Planner

Every year, Starbucks comes up with different designs and themes for their annual promo that has millions rushing to every Starbucks coffee shop for a copy of their planner. The planners this year carry the the theme “My Third Place,” which refers to Starbucks as the place people have a special connection with, after home and work or school. The planners contain well-composed photos of different Starbucks stores in the Philippines, which gives it a more personal feel.

I have been an avid Starbucks goer for years now and I must admit I have been one of those people who constantly go to Starbucks everyday just to buy coffee, collect stickers and avail of their annual planners. If you compute for the actual price of the planner, it’s equals to 17 Starbucks drinks costing more than 2000 pesos. That equals to 2 planners from Fully Booked and almost 10 black organizers from National Bookstore. Starbucks Planners don't come cheap- in fact it's almost a collector's item if you manage to complete all three designs every year.

Ironically, most of the people who spends a large amount of time collecting these planners are the tech savvy and yuppie business-type socialites.These are people who owns smartphones and notebooks yet they take time to collect paper-based planners all for the glory of actually having one.

I've noticed (over years of spending time with Starbucks fanatics) that most people don't even use the planner. A lot are left blank or for display purposes only. The thrill of collecting Starbucks stickers has got everyone hyped to own one. People are addicted to numbers. Another reason behind this could be the status of owning a Starbucks Planner. Filipinos are brand conscious people- and the fact that you own a Starbucks planner kinda puts you up that level high in the pedestal (an image that makes you look like you go to Starbucks regularly even if you only go every December to collect stickers and spend the rest of the year saving enough money to spend the next December)

Whatever the reason maybe, no one can deny that Starbucks Planners are a hit in this nation. Years may come and years may go but people will always go to Starbucks just to own one of these. Have you started collecting your stickers? I'm about to avail mine. See you at Starbucks!

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