Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Power Of One

Eating alone and as often as I could is one of my guilty pleasures. Being a socialite means having to be around people all the time, so whenever I get the opportunity to be by myself I take it down by spending time with me, myself and I. Some people may found my habit pat. I would slip out of the crowd to grab a some coffee and just be on my own for a couple of hours. Being gone for a while- even for just a few hours is part of the romance. I would be right there in a restaurant all by myself by the window watching people go by. Sometimes I would laugh quietly when i see something funny- there's magic just by observing people doing their everyday routine.

Eating out alone is no big deal for me (especially with my lifestyle). Some people may find it weird and a lot of my friends would call you an outcast if you're ever found alone in public. To them, it's like picking your nose in public or barfing loudly inside a restaurant. On some occasions, I would run into an old friend and he would ask "You're all by yourself?". I would simply smile and reply "yes." Then he would look around as if looking for something and ask again "Where are your band of followers and admirers?"

To some people, eating out alone is like total social destruction. Sometimes (but not all the time- I still have friends you know) even if I can get some company, I'd still choose to hang out on my own. It's a universal thing and reality is there would always be occasions when  I would have no choice but to just hang out alone. Most people would regard this a very difficult situation to be in because society has brainwashed people into thinking that no man is an island.

I consider my alone time as my private time- away from my hectic schedule when I can just sit back, relax and think. This is when I can gather my thoughts and let the writer in me kick in. I think about different possible subjects I can write on my blog or just simply contemplate on which party I should go to next. Every human being- even celebrities can get tired of being with the crowd all the time. I am no different from any of them. I'd rather be on my own than with bad company or when I'm too distracted to even listen. These are the moments that give me clarity, focus and relaxation; just on my own and observing (or most of the time criticizing) people.

But don't get me wrong. I am so not an outcast. There are many times that I do enjoy being in the company of my friends and loved ones. There are times and places where it's okay to be alone, and there are those where it's not okay to be by yourself. A coffee house (not Starbucks) is a good place to be alone but I would NEVER show up in a party or event unescorted.

For location, I cross out crowded mall food courts, date-friendly and family-friendly restaurants. The best place to chill out on my own are coffee shops, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and even hotel restaurants. I usually frequent a few favorite spots where writers like myself and artistic people go to think, sip my latte and read or write.

In many circumstances, being by myself can be fun. But in the end, no one is alone forever, and that is also something I find comfort in.

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